INTRO REVIEWS çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ INTRO REVIEWS ¹ Michael from Nuance here again with a brand new article for people who are intrested in reading the latest reviews on intros. Now before I go on I'm not going to judge anyone work by there capablity on what they can and cant do, But instead I will be looking at your work from how well you have used the capablity of the amiga. Now all reviews are marked in as a percent (e.g 100% = real cool 1% = Rubbish) now today I have decided to review 8 intros from various crews and give my own verdict upon each of them. Bluebird (sorry) I mean Colorbird has asked me politelu to do another article with reviewing intros, etc.. and here it is. ¼ Now the intros that I have reviewed are as follows: ³1. Xtc - Intro 2. Balance - AGA 22k Intro 3. Analog - New member Intro 4. Analog - Still Alive Intro 5. Impact - No-lem Intro 6. Nebula - Intro 7. Psycho - Chip Tunes Music Pack 8. Nuance - For Your Pleasure ¹So lets begin with the first review! ¶¢ Estacy intro ² ============ ¾ Presentation 21% ½ Graphics 19% ¼ Music 21% ¢ Overall 24% ¹ This intro was done by a bunch of Australian guys and by all means this is the worse intro I have come across. The text font is so badly colored in, I even couldnt read what they were going on about. The Music is rubbish even though it came from a known game (Projex X). Well I hope these guys can come up with a better design ¢ Balance Aga 22k Intro ² ===================== ¾ Presentation 80% ½ Graphics 76% ¼ Music 81% ¢ Overall 85% ¹Balance has produced a nice litle aga demo here. Everything in this intro moves so well and smooth as well (Thanx to Scope). There isnt much in the way of gfx but the font was created very neatly and the music goes with with the demo very well. Anyhow my verdict is to catch it and pack it right away! ¶¢ Analog New Member Intro ² ======================= ¾ Presentation 51% ½ Graphics 47% ¼ Music 57% ¢ Overall 59%¹ This new member intro was sent to me from a U.K modem trader and I must say that I was looking for somethink fancy but unfortunatly I was wrong. The music and gfx are just standard and the code is just ok. Analog can do better and I know they can. If you havent seen this intro then your not missing anything. ¢ Analog Still Alive Intro ² ======================== ¾ Presentation 79% ½ Graphics 81% ¼ Music 43% ¢ overall 84%¹ Analog Strikes back again but this time they have produced a nice intro in which I'm happy to say that I was pleased to see. The gfx are good and the font is quite nice too The music was a bit banal but never the less the logo was very nice and all fxs in the demo worked very well what else can I say than well done! ¶¢ Impact no-Lem Intro ² =================== ¾ Presentation 81% ½ Graphics 80% ¼ Music 92% ¢ Overall 88% ¹ Yet another intro comes to the rescue but this time by impact. This intro is well put together very cool. The Gfx are cool and the music by unison is really a great track (I like it Man) and all the fx in the demo are put together very well, But the only problem was that it was to short but overall its a great intro. ¢ Nebula Intro ² ============ ¾ Presetation 61% ½ Graphics 40% ¼ Music 47% ¢ Overall 56%¹ After reading Oedipus/Nebula article in grapevine issue 17 I was expecting some quality release from nebula. This intro that they have released is just a average intro. The gfx are are ok but the music starts off very badly composed (it sounded like the musician forgot to use the fine tuning on the piano sample). But when the Music gets going it didnt sound to bad at all. Not a bad attempt for there first production ¶but not so good either. I also find this product a bit strange because when it reached the end of the demo there was no demo, I was looking for more routines after the glez vector has appeared. Ive got to admit that this intro isnt to bad for a new group but why has the coder left the group already for??. The group was founded in october and in the same month the coder of this intro has left the crew??. Lets see how they go. ¢ Psycho chip Tunes compact ² ========================= ¾ Presentation 72% ½ Graphics 85% ¼ Music 89% ¢ Overall 90%¹ Chip Pack are being produced quite frequently these days and by all means I dont see why not. Anyhow everthing is loaded in to ram and once everything has been loaded in there is no more loading. The gfx and design are well good and the chip music are very neat indeed. Psycho went for a simple but very effective design and it payed off well. Most Chip pack ive seen are quite nice but psycho has gone for the simple design which makes this product a highly ¶recommended chip pack someone sent me a chip pack and chip tune had to be loaded in seperate (Why?). Anyway its well done to the boys at psycho for their chip pack. Good luck with the next issue! ¢ Nuance For your pleasure ² ======================== ¾ Presentation 72% ½ Graphics 60% ¼ Music 73% ¢ overall 69%¹ I'm not going to be bias and give excellent reviews to my own crew. I'm gonna be fair to every crew. The gfx are average and the code isnt to bad either. The intro starts off with a nice introduction sequence and the text writer fading is really sexy indeed. The Music by Michael And Projex isnt to bad either but the background could of been done miles better if the coder did spend a bit more time designing his intro. But overall its not to bad and there are many intros that are worse off. Not a bad attempt for a days coding though...